Friday, October 25, 2013

25th October 2013

Because its one of those kind of a day, when the sun shines bright and the wind blows cold. The kind of a day, a Jane Austen fan will slip away, to sit and read her favorite book in peace. #Soothing #Satisfying

I think I love Autumn and not just because it holds metaphorical value. #October

When poetry becomes the reason, 2 people connect and characters in the classics become the reason they Argue. #Almost Romantic

Moment you let a stranger see, how vulnerable you are, and you turn friends. Moment she helps you figure out if all the drama is worth it. #Clearly NO

It wasn't like "all the drama" in my life did not occur to me in those few brief moments, but i guess i chose to overlook. As they say, Happiness is a decision not a destination.

Growing up, its a difficult process. Sometimes it means learning the difference between Sample outcomes and Feasible outcomes. (when event is your life) #Yes I am learning Probability these days :P

Having a bad day?
Two movies to laugh out loud with. :D

1) DUE DATE - Robert Downey, Jr. and Zach Galifianakis. Do i need to say more. Trust me watch it and dont                              let IMDb rating confuse you.

Here .. Link to the trailer

2) BAD TEACHER - Awesome to the power awesome.


"We read fine things but never feel them to the full until we have gone the same steps as the author."
— John Keats

Monday, October 14, 2013

From Parallel Universe, one that is ahead in time

I know you have a lot of questions for me, and I wish I could have answered them precisely and accurately. But sadly that is not how it works. I can't tell you if life will or will not be like the fairy tale you imagined. But at the same time i want to let you know that every event in future is an outcome of the decision taken by you in present. Decision whether or not you will stick to the hard way, because there will always be an easy way.

There are going to be times when you will wake up early in the morning, realizing it was just a dream and you do not need to be scared anymore. Good news is you are not pretending or lying to yourself anymore. You exactly know what do you fear the most. It becomes easy when you know what you are fighting against.

At some point of time you are surely going to doubt the people in your life. Not one, not two but most of them. Don't give up on them yet, they might surprise you.

You are going to see people, who will always work their way out without even moving their asses (literally). They will have what you always wanted and worked for. Equation for them will always remain simple + easy on the other hand for you it will always be complicated + difficult. And you might also give them a little attention and envy them for the first couple of days. But the fact is, if it is complicated + difficult, it is because you think that way. (Life is a cheesecake, at least that what i like to imagine)

You may think, emotional bondage hold you back and you are better off without it. But I still want you to think of it as your strength and not your weakness. Emotions give you a shape.

And most importantly i always want you to believe in your favorite word, "Peregrination", Keep moving. :)

PS- and yes possibly you will always wonder, obsess, stalk and will try to unravel the mystery of "why this person was described in such a god like manner". Maybe be because you know the answer already or may be because you think too much. I wish it is the later part. :|
***- Surely you don't know what i am talking about, neither do i wish to let you know. :P Some thoughts are so private that either you do not share them at all, or share them with million users over internet.